Learn Major Trigger Points - 2 Hours
to Jan 1

Learn Major Trigger Points - 2 Hours

Trigger points are discrete, focal, hyperirritable spots located in a taut band of skeletal muscle. They produce pain locally and in a referred pattern and often accompany chronic musculoskeletal disorders.

In this 2 hour seminar, you will learn the major trigger points and what and how they affect movement and function.

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Muscle Testing - 2 Hours
to Jan 1

Muscle Testing - 2 Hours

Muscle testing is a procedure performed by health practitioners as part of a physical evaluation. It helps assess the body’s muscles and their connections to the brain through the nervous system.

As an important part of a comprehensive physical evaluation, muscle testing can help discover the cause of a particular injury or disability. It can also quickly assist in measuring the effectiveness of specific treatments.

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Chiropractic Risk Management - 4 Hours
to Jan 1

Chiropractic Risk Management - 4 Hours

Includes special section on common questions from doctors! Answers provided from experts with NCMIC

Dr. Brad Hayes will review legal and medical risk management for your office. You will learn how to identify key areas of risk management in your office and with staff and patient relations. Learn potential legal and boundary issues and how to properly address or avoid them. Boundaries & Harassment between doctor, staff and patients will be discussed giving you a better understanding of how to handle specific situations. Understand how doctors and supervisors will be held responsible for the actions of their staff members and be able to identify what professional rules are as they relate to your practice.

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Basic Understanding of Nitric Oxide in Humans - 4 Hours
to Jan 1

Basic Understanding of Nitric Oxide in Humans - 4 Hours

This program will enhance the doctor’s knowledge of nitric oxide and the role it plays in health. The doctor will learn in depth information and research on nitric oxide and it’s relation to heart health as well as overall health.

You will learn indications of low nitric oxide levels and it’s effect on your patient’s health. You will also learn how to properly assess and evaluate the patient’s nitric oxide levels and functionality the protocols and treatments to increase function and health in the patient.

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Understanding the Thyroid & Adrenals - 4 Hours
to Jan 1

Understanding the Thyroid & Adrenals - 4 Hours

Dr. Kendel will review the biochemical process behind thyroid issues and how chiropractors can treat these issues with success. He will review the influence of a leaky gut and the gut microbiome and their importance and role they play in the thyroid’s function.

In this seminar, you will learn:
1.  Triggers for thyroid malfunction
2.  Hyper- and Hypo- Thyroidism and how we can test for them
3. What Chiropractors can do to best treat patients with these problems
4. How to return to a properly functioning thyroid

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Vertebral Subluxation & The Stress Response - 4 Hours
to Jan 1

Vertebral Subluxation & The Stress Response - 4 Hours

We live in a fast pace, stress filled society leading to cascade of potentially negative neurological effects on the body. The vertebral subluxation significantly adds to this allostatic load.

Thoroughly understanding these mechanisms allows the Chiropractor to have a greater appreciation of the various health issues that their patients are presenting with as well as the role that correcting the vertebral subluxation plays in helping them.

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Challenges with Cervical Radiculopathies - 5 Hours
to Jan 1

Challenges with Cervical Radiculopathies - 5 Hours

Millions of people suffer from symptoms such as neck and back pain, cervicogenic headaches, and migraines that can be effectively addressed by a Chiropractor. Evaluation techniques and a detailed diagnostic & treatment system can identify the pathology and treatment that has demonstrated streamlined decision making and better results.

Learn the examination and treatment of the cervical and upper thoracic spine using a full system, which is clinically proven to elicit better functional outcomes.

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Acupuncture Principles & Techniques - 6 Hours
to Jan 1

Acupuncture Principles & Techniques - 6 Hours

Important analogies between the trigger points of and acupuncture points have been demonstrated. Gunn et al found of 100 acupuncture loci chosen at random, 70 were motor points in muscles. In this seminar, you will learn current knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology and the principles of evidence-based medicine within acupuncture. The effects of acupuncture can be understood through mechanisms that are increasingly well known.

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Kinesiology & Traditional Taping Techniques - 6 Hours
to Jan 1

Kinesiology & Traditional Taping Techniques - 6 Hours

Specific techniques will be demonstrated throughout the day. After the techniques are demonstrated, proper kinesiotaping methods will be taught for each problem area.  You will learn the proper taping techniques to decrease muscle tightness and fatigue, increase joint stability and proprioception, relieve pain, correct joint problems and edema reduction. 

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Myofascial Disruption Technique for Elbow, Arm, Wrist & Hand Pain - 6 hours
to Jan 1

Myofascial Disruption Technique for Elbow, Arm, Wrist & Hand Pain - 6 hours

Dr. Hayes will show you where to look for fascial issues and then how to perform this technique. He will focus on the arm, wrist, elbow and hand. You will get specialized instruction on how to alleviate pain and restore function quickly for issues in these areas. Location and application are key to resolving the problems and getting your patient functioning properly

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Rehab Exercises - 6 Hours
to Jan 1

Rehab Exercises - 6 Hours

Dr. Carter will teach rehab exercises that are helpful to your patients. You will learn several exercises, how to correctly perform them and teach them to your patients.  Topics include functional strength, power, flexibility and fitness as it relates to everyday work, home and recreational activities.

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Documentation, Insurance & Coding - 8 Hours
to Dec 31

Documentation, Insurance & Coding - 8 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Insurance is changing.  This seminar will discuss the way providers are being tracked for their code usage, and how decisions are made about claims.

This Documentation Seminar will help you stop getting claims rejected and avoid being considered for removal from insurance networks and paying back money you have been paid! 

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Upper Extremity Adjusting - 8 Hours
to Jan 1

Upper Extremity Adjusting - 8 Hours

This extremity adjusting workshop is like none other. It was designed to demonstrate to and teach the DC how to manually adjust upper extremities such as the hand, wrist, elbow and shoulders, more effectively and efficiently with little to no discomfort to the patient. You will learn basic skills and understanding of how to properly asses, diagnose and treat conditions involving the upper extremities.

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Functional Assessment & Rehabilitation - 10 Hours
to Jan 1

Functional Assessment & Rehabilitation - 10 Hours

Learn assessment protocols integrating muscle and joint dysfunction and motor control. Join us to learn how to provide the best rehabilitation treatment to your patients for the best results.  

Dr. Carter will include his unique clinical concepts of treating Trigger Points with minimal or no pain methods.  In the latter half of the program, you will see demonstrations of specific rehab exercises and how and when they should be performed. Topics include functional strength, power, flexibility and fitness as it relates to everyday work, home and recreational activities.

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Inflammation & Food Sensitivities - 10 Hours
to Jan 1

Inflammation & Food Sensitivities - 10 Hours

Dr. Kendel will kick off the seminar discussing the biochemical process behind inflammation and how it becomes chronic inflammation.  Leaky gut and the gut microbiome’s importance and role it plays in overall health as well as specific conditions will be discussed. You will learn the common causes of chronic inflammation and what we as chiropractors can do to treat it.  

In this seminar, you will learn:
1.  How chronic inflammation affects the gut and how it leads to food sensitivities.
2.  What food sensitivities are exactly and how we can test for them and treat them.

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Nerve Entrapments & How to Treat Them Successfully - 10 Hours
to Jan 1

Nerve Entrapments & How to Treat Them Successfully - 10 Hours

This course will focus primarily on functional pathologies and treatment as it relates to nerve entrapment

Dr. Carter will teach what to look for when you take the history and perform the physical exam. He will show you how to correctly identify and treat nerve entrapments successfully. You will learn the compression of different nerve types and symptoms associated with each that you can treat successfully, then move on to how to best treat them and help your patients.

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Outcome Assessment Tools - 10 Hours
to Jan 1

Outcome Assessment Tools - 10 Hours

Outcome assessments bridge that gap and justify care within the very diverse chiropractic community, reviewers, payors, insurance companies, judges and juries. Being well versed and able to utilize them is essential for patient care in the 21st century.

Dr. Darrach will review the different types of assessment tools beside Oswestry and NDI: what they mean and how to incorporate them into your everyday practice. Acute vs Chronic vs Maintenance/Wellness. Confusing these can put chiropractors at risk during post payment audits. Learn how to transition between each.

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Sports Chiropractic: Treating the Athletic Patient - 10 Hours
to Jan 1

Sports Chiropractic: Treating the Athletic Patient - 10 Hours

In this seminar Dr. Morgan will teach:

  • Overview of examination and treatment of common injuries in more active patients

  • Hands-on presentation of sports and kinesio taping

  • Working as a team or event chiropractor in various circumstances. How to get involved. Patient/athlete forms, informed consent and risk management.

  • Sports Chiropractic clinical pearls and tips

  • Case Studies in Sports Chiropractic

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The Vagus Nerve in Health & Disease - 10 Hours
to Jan 1

The Vagus Nerve in Health & Disease - 10 Hours

This seminar will enable the practitioner to determine the misalignment associated with specific neurological dysfunctions and the vagus nerve.

Dr. Humberg will present the analysis portion of this seminar with a very specific and accurate method of locating not only the site of the neurological irritation (compression) but also the misalignment associated with that neurological dysfunction. You will learn how the vagus nerve is involved in many of the issues that people are commonly affected with. You’ll also learn more about treating such issues as IBS, Colitis, GI issues and more!

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Avoiding Malpractice: Prevention of Medical Errors with Risk Management - 12 Hours
to Jan 1

Avoiding Malpractice: Prevention of Medical Errors with Risk Management - 12 Hours

Dr. Hayes will show you how to avoid medical malpractice and errors issues in your office.

You will learn the 18 Office Procedures Protection Strategies and Dr. Hayes will help you to develop Proper Office Procedures and review what is covered in malpractice insurance and how new laws pertain to you and your practice.

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Diagnosing and Treating Arthritis and IBS - 12 Hours
to Jan 1

Diagnosing and Treating Arthritis and IBS - 12 Hours

This classes teaches Differential Diagnosis for Arthritis by simulating the presentation of 12 different forms of arthritis. The provider is specifically taught the 4 major classifications of arthritis during this interaction. This class teaches how to specifically differential diagnose between the various potential diagnoses of arthritis. This clarifies for the chiropractic provider those cases that can be conservatively treated and those cases that need further referral or co-management.

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Extremity Adjusting Hands to Feet - 12 Hours
to Jan 1

Extremity Adjusting Hands to Feet - 12 Hours

This extremity adjusting workshop is like none other. It was designed to demonstrate to and teach the DC how to manually adjust hand and foot articulations more effectively and efficiently with little to no discomfort to the patient. You will learn basic skills and understanding of how to properly asses, diagnose and treat conditions involving the wrist and hand, shoulder, foot and ankle

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Myofascial Disruption Technique - 12 Hours
to Jan 1

Myofascial Disruption Technique - 12 Hours

The fascia can separate at the origin or insertion of a tendon or ligament. The fascia can separate within the muscle in a band like separation. It can ‘wrinkle’ like a shirt pulled out from your hamper. It can ‘un-coil’ in the extremities like a twisted slinky toy. Dr. Hayes repairs the fascia by 'ironing the wrinkle', meaning he re-attaches the fascia which eliminates your pain.

Dr. Hayes will show you where to look for these fascial issues and then how to perform this technique. Location and application are key to resolving the problems and getting your patient functioning properly

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Neurology & Treatment of Migraines & ADD/ADHD - 12 Hours
to Jan 1

Neurology & Treatment of Migraines & ADD/ADHD - 12 Hours

From sporadic to chronic migraines and stress headaches, Dr. Hayden offers a wealth of solutions for you and your patients. Dr. Hayden will teach you how to pinpoint the causes of migraines and show you how you can treat them effectively. He will also discuss the causes and chiropractic treatments for ADD/ADHD. This is a growing issue and with the right tools and knowlege, you can help these patients! Examinations, scans, imaging, and other vital techniques will be taught to enhance your abilities and confidence in these areas.

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Pain Management & Mobility - 12 Hours
to Jan 1

Pain Management & Mobility - 12 Hours

Dr. Hayes will take you through the current pain methods of MDs and DOs and the impact they really have on patients. You will learn the current research and theories on pain management and some very innovative things you can do as chiropractors to control pain.

You will come out of this class with a better understanding of and more ways to alleviate and control the pain your patients are experiencing, and some of the major conditions that your patients have that can be treated successfully in your practice.

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Thompson Technique: Pediatric to Geriatric - 12 Hours
to Jan 1

Thompson Technique: Pediatric to Geriatric - 12 Hours

You are invited to attend a seminar designed to teach, inspire and help you perfect your understanding and use of the Thompson Technique. The seminar will be presented by the president of the Thompson Technique Foundation, Dr Robert D. Jackson, who was himself a 17 year student of the technique’s founder, Dr. J. Clay Thompson.

Dr Jackson will teach the complete Thompson-Derefield (leg length) examination and analysis protocol. He will present basic through advanced Thompson Technique adjusting procedures that have been added or modified based on the Thompson Technique Foundation board.

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Muscle Testing - 2 Hours
to Dec 31

Muscle Testing - 2 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Muscle testing is a procedure performed by health practitioners as part of a physical evaluation. It helps assess the body’s muscles and their connections to the brain through the nervous system.

As an important part of a comprehensive physical evaluation, muscle testing can help discover the cause of a particular injury or disability. It can also quickly assist in measuring the effectiveness of specific treatments.

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Learn Major Trigger Points - 2 Hours
to Dec 31

Learn Major Trigger Points - 2 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Trigger points are discrete, focal, hyperirritable spots located in a taut band of skeletal muscle. They produce pain locally and in a referred pattern and often accompany chronic musculoskeletal disorders.

In this 2 hour seminar, you will learn the major trigger points and what and how they affect movement and function.

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Chiropractic Taping Techniques - 6 Hours
to Dec 31

Chiropractic Taping Techniques - 6 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Specific techniques will be demonstrated throughout the day. After the techniques are demonstrated, proper kinesiotaping methods will be taught for each problem area.  You will learn the proper taping techniques to decrease muscle tightness and fatigue, increase joint stability and proprioception, relieve pain, correct joint problems and edema reduction. 

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Chiropractic Risk Management - 4 Hours
to Dec 31

Chiropractic Risk Management - 4 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Includes special section on common questions from doctors! Answers provided from experts with NCMIC

Dr. Brad Hayes will review legal and medical risk management for your office. You will learn how to identify key areas of risk management in your office and with staff and patient relations. Learn potential legal and boundary issues and how to properly address or avoid them. Boundaries & Harassment between doctor, staff and patients will be discussed giving you a better understanding of how to handle specific situations. Understand how doctors and supervisors will be held responsible for the actions of their staff members and be able to identify what professional rules are as they relate to your practice.

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Functional Biokinetics - 12 Hours
to Dec 31

Functional Biokinetics - 12 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This program will give you the background, case histories and outcome data for Functional Biokinetics. You will learn the biomechanics and physics of muscle movement in different planes of motion and how to use this information to eliminate pain in your patients.

Dr. Demko will bring it all together with upper and lower trunk patterns of muscular dysfunction including extremities.

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Assessment Techniques Using Heart Rate & Skin Variables - 12 Hours
to Dec 31

Assessment Techniques Using Heart Rate & Skin Variables - 12 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In the traditional chiropractic model, the main purpose of spinal adjustment is to improve the health of the nervous system, particularly the autonomic nervous system (ANS). This seminar teaches chiropractors the rationale, procedure, and interpretation of evidence-based in-office testing that will monitor ANS changes following your spinal care, comparing pre- and post-adjustment findings

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Documentation & Coding - 4 Hours
to Dec 31

Documentation & Coding - 4 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Insurance is changing.  This seminar will discuss the way providers are being tracked for their code usage, and how decisions are made about claims.

This Documentation Seminar will help you stop getting claims rejected and avoid being considered for removal from insurance networks and paying back money you have been paid! 

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Extremity Adjusting Hands to Feet - 12 Hours
to Dec 31

Extremity Adjusting Hands to Feet - 12 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This extremity adjusting workshop is like none other. It was designed to demonstrate to and teach the DC how to manually adjust hand and foot articulations more effectively and efficiently with little to no discomfort to the patient. You will learn basic skills and understanding of how to properly asses, diagnose and treat conditions involving the wrist and hand, shoulder, foot and ankle

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Acupuncture Principles & Techniques - 6 Hours
to Dec 31

Acupuncture Principles & Techniques - 6 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Important analogies between the trigger points of and acupuncture points have been demonstrated. Gunn et al found of 100 acupuncture loci chosen at random, 70 were motor points in muscles. In this seminar, you will learn current knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology and the principles of evidence-based medicine within acupuncture. The effects of acupuncture can be understood through mechanisms that are increasingly well known.

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The Stress Response Effect on the VSC - 4 Hours
to Dec 31

The Stress Response Effect on the VSC - 4 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We live in a fast pace, stress filled society leading to cascade of potentially negative neurological effects on the body. The vertebral subluxation significantly adds to this allostatic load.

Thoroughly understanding these mechanisms allows the Chiropractor to have a greater appreciation of the various health issues that their patients are presenting with as well as the role that correcting the vertebral subluxation plays in helping them.

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Neurology & Treatment of Migraines & ADD/ADHD - 12 Hours
to Dec 31

Neurology & Treatment of Migraines & ADD/ADHD - 12 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

From sporadic to chronic migraines and stress headaches, Dr. Hayden offers a wealth of solutions for you and your patients. Dr. Hayden will teach you how to pinpoint the causes of migraines and show you how you can treat them effectively. He will also discuss the causes and chiropractic treatments for ADD/ADHD. This is a growing issue and with the right tools and knowlege, you can help these patients! Examinations, scans, imaging, and other vital techniques will be taught to enhance your abilities and confidence in these areas.

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Rehabilitation Modalities & Function - 12 Hours
to Dec 31

Rehabilitation Modalities & Function - 12 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Learn assessment protocols integrating muscle and joint dysfunction and motor control. Join us to learn how to provide the best rehabilitation treatment to your patients for the best results.  

Dr. Carter will include his unique clinical concepts of treating Trigger Points with minimal or no pain methods.   Topics include functional strength, power, flexibility and fitness as it relates to everyday work, home and recreational activities.

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Functional Movement & Rehab - 12 Hours
to Dec 31

Functional Movement & Rehab - 12 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dr. Aucker will begin by going through the treatment protocols for rehabilitation. This is the perfect mix of education, evidence-based techniques, and hands-on training. Chiropractic adjustments will focus on the full spine, as well as extremity techniques. The myofascial portion will consist of in-office and home protocols. In-office techniques will be focused on instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization, both immobile and with movement, (similar to Graston technique) and an array of trigger point therapy, pin-and-stretch, and other myofascial release techniques. The home protocols will be centered around the use of a foam roller, roller stick, lacrosse ball, and mobility peanut.

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The Role of Nitric Oxide in Health - 4 Hours
to Dec 31

The Role of Nitric Oxide in Health - 4 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This program will enhance the doctor’s knowledge of nitric oxide and the role it plays in health. The doctor will learn in depth information and research on nitric oxide and it’s relation to heart health as well as overall health.

You will learn indications of low nitric oxide levels and it’s effect on your patient’s health. You will also learn how to properly assess and evaluate the patient’s nitric oxide levels and functionality the protocols and treatments to increase function and health in the patient.

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Inflammation & Food Sensitivities - 12 Hours
to Dec 31

Inflammation & Food Sensitivities - 12 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dr. Kendel will kick off the seminar discussing the biochemical process behind inflammation and how it becomes chronic inflammation.  Leaky gut and the gut microbiome’s importance and role it plays in overall health as well as specific conditions will be discussed. You will learn the common causes of chronic inflammation and what we as chiropractors can do to treat it.  

In this seminar, you will learn:
1.  How chronic inflammation affects the gut and how it leads to food sensitivities.
2.  What food sensitivities are exactly and how we can test for them and treat them.

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Thompson Technique: Pediatric to Geriatric - 12 Hours
to Dec 31

Thompson Technique: Pediatric to Geriatric - 12 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You are invited to attend a seminar designed to teach, inspire and help you perfect your understanding and use of the Thompson Technique. The seminar will be presented by the president of the Thompson Technique Foundation, Dr Robert D. Jackson, who was himself a 17 year student of the technique’s founder, Dr. J. Clay Thompson.

Dr Jackson will teach the complete Thompson-Derefield (leg length) examination and analysis protocol. He will present basic through advanced Thompson Technique adjusting procedures that have been added or modified based on the Thompson Technique Foundation board.

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Myofascial Disruption Technique - 12 Hours
to Dec 31

Myofascial Disruption Technique - 12 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The fascia can separate at the origin or insertion of a tendon or ligament. The fascia can separate within the muscle in a band like separation. It can ‘wrinkle’ like a shirt pulled out from your hamper. It can ‘un-coil’ in the extremities like a twisted slinky toy. Dr. Hayes repairs the fascia by 'ironing the wrinkle', meaning he re-attaches the fascia which eliminates your pain.

Dr. Hayes will show you where to look for these fascial issues and then how to perform this technique. Location and application are key to resolving the problems and getting your patient functioning properly

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Taping Techniques & Sports Chiropractic - 12 Hours
to Dec 31

Taping Techniques & Sports Chiropractic - 12 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this seminar Dr. Morgan will teach:

  • Athletic and Kinesio taping methods for all major areas of the body

  • Overview of examination and treatment of common injuries

  • Working as a team or event chiropractor in various circumstances. How to get involved. Patient/athlete forms, informed consent and risk management.

  • Sports Chiropractic clinical pearls and tips

  • Case Studies in Sports Chiropractic

  • Concussion protocols

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Neurology & Vagus Nerve Stimulation - 12 Hours
to Dec 31

Neurology & Vagus Nerve Stimulation - 12 Hours

  • Online - On-Demand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This seminar will enable the practitioner to determine the misalignment associated with specific neurological dysfunctions.

Dr. Humberg will present the analysis portion of this seminar with a very specific and accurate method of locating not only the site of the neurological irritation (compression) but also the misalignment associated with that neurological dysfunction. You’ll learn more about treating such issues as IBS, Colitis, GI issues and more!

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