Outcome assessments are the gold standard of justification for treatment; whether that be at an elevated interval due to acute pain or dysfunction or at a reduced interval with minimal pain but persistent dysfunction.
Dr. Darrach will review the different types of assessment tools beside Oswestry and NDI: what they mean and how to incorporate them into your everyday practice. Acute vs Chronic vs Maintenance/Wellness. Confusing these can put chiropractors at risk during post payment audits. Learn how to transition between each.
10 Hours - $269 per person
CE Hours for: AK, CO, DE, IL, IN, IA, MA, MD, ME, MI*, MN, MT, NJ, NC, NE, NH, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, VA, VT, WA, WY *Approval in process
Approval Numbers (some states do not require approval numbers)
PACE Course ID: OL25OA CE Broker: 20-1275629 Michigan: After April 20, 2025 - includes 1 hr. Ethics