This classes teaches Differential Diagnosis for Arthritis by simulating the presentation of 12 different forms of arthritis. The provider is specifically taught the 4 major classifications of arthritis during this interaction. This class teaches how to specifically differential diagnose between the various potential diagnoses of arthritis. This clarifies for the chiropractic provider those cases that can be conservatively treated and those cases that need further referral or co-management.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome This portion of the class explores the tools the chiropractor has to help treat his patients with this common condition as well as other digestive conditions. A Look at other digestive disorders and what can be done about them including Functional Dyspepsia, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Leaky Gut, Barret’s Esophagus, fiber, pre biotics and pro biotics, as well as Hiatal Hernia diagnosis and treatment. All have practical applications a chiropractor can use for patients for these common conditions
12 Hours - $299 per person
CE Hours for: AK, CO, DE, IL, IN, IA, MA, MD, ME, MN, MT, NJ, NC, NE, NH, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, VA, VT, WA, WY
Approval Numbers (some states do not require approval numbers)