Below is a list of continuing education requirements by state. This may not constitute the full and current listing of your state’s requirements and may not be a complete list of what is required to renew your license in your state. You should check with your state board for more information.
Online seminars vs. Live-stream seminars:
Online seminars are pre-recorded and there is no interaction between instructor and participant. Online seminars may be taken at any time
Live-Stream is a seminar taken over the internet in real-time. There is interaction between instructor and participants. Live-stream takes place on a specific date and time. Participants log into the class via the internet.
Alabama: A minimum of 18 hours of continuing education as approved by the Alabama State Board of Chiropractic Examiners is required annually for license renewal. The hours must be completed between October 1 and September 30th of each year to renew. Up to 6 hours may be taken online. All licensees must obtain two (2) hours per year in Alabama Law and Board Rules and Regulations as part of the minimum 18 per year. New licensees must obtain four (4) hours prior to first license renewal and 2 hours per year for each renewal after that. All clinic owners with a Non Licensed Practice Permit must obtain two (2) hours per year in Alabama Law as part of the permit renewal.
Live-stream hours are considered Online hours
Colorado: All chiropractors with an Active Colorado license must complete a minimum of 30 hours per two-year license period. A max. of 10 hours may be taken from online seminars. Live-stream hours are considered live, in-person hours. Each actively licensed Colorado chiropractor is required to maintain "Health Provider Level Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation" (CPR), as provided by the American Heart Association or substantially similar nationally or internationally recognized organization. All active licensees must maintain proof of current and valid CPR certification. The hours necessary to maintain this CPR certification may be used towards the CE hours required by Board Rule. At least four (4) of the 30 required hours shall be in recordkeeping and documentation. Chiropractors registered to perform animal chiropractic must complete an additional 20 hours of CE per license period that is specific to the diagnosis and treatment of animals authorized by Colorado statute.
Connecticut: Each licensee applying for license renewal shall complete a minimum of 48 hours of qualifying CE during each CE monitoring period. A CE monitoring period means a period beginning in an odd-numbered year and consisting of two consecutive license renewal periods. On and after January 1, 2016, each licensee applying for license renewal shall complete not less than two contact hours of training or education during the first renewal period in which continuing education is required and not less than once every six years thereafter on the topic of mental health conditions common to veterans and family members of veterans. CE shall be in areas related to the individual’s practice and include cousework in the following topical areas: Advances in clinical radiology in chiropractic practice - 2.5 hours minimum; Risk assessment and evaluation for prevention of falls- 1 hour minimum; Sexual boundaries - 1.5 hours minimum;
Delaware: Chiropractors must complete 24 hours of approved CE during each full licensure renewal period between July 1 and June 30 even-numbered years (2018-2020, etc.). At least 3 hours of CE must contain ethics, recordkeeping, or risk management. Up to 12 hours of online seminars are allowed - Live-stream seminars are considered live hours - not online. For complete information on the CE requirements, see Section 2.0 of the Board’s Rules and Regulations.
Florida: Please go here for Florida CE requirements
Georgia: Each licensed chiropractor is required to obtain a minimum of 20 hours per year of the two-year renewal period. This means that a licensee must have a total of 40 hours of continuing education during the two years preceding the license expiration date. *15 hours each year must be in clinical sciences; *4 hours each year must be in ethics or risk management; and, *1 hour each year must be in Georgia laws & rules. Up to 20 hours may be online. Live-stream seminars are considered online hours
Illinois: All hours may be live, live-stream or online. Cat. 1 & 2 still remain the same
Indiana: Indiana is accepting all CE hours from live, in-person seminars, live-stream seminars and online seminars.
Iowa: Each person who is licensed to practice as a licensee in this state shall be required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of continuing education approved by the board. Up to 20 hours allowed online. At least 36 hours of continuing education credit obtained from a program that directly relates to clinical case management of chiropractic patients. A minimum of two hours per biennium in professional boundaries regarding ethical issues related to professional conduct that may include but are not limited to sexual harassment, sensitivity training and ethics. A minimum of 12 hours per biennium of continuing education in the field of acupuncture if the chiropractic physician is engaged in the practice of acupuncture. Chiropractic physicians not engaged in the active practice of acupuncture may take continuing education hours in the field of acupuncture for continuing education credit. Classes on child abuse and dependent adult abuse that meet the criteria in 645—subrules 41.8(4) and 44.3(1). (5) Two hours of continuing education credit at the time of the first biennial renewal period and one hour every biennial renewal period after that in the content areas of the administrative rules related to chiropractic physicians in Iowa
Kentucky: Kentucky law requires that all actively practicing chiropractors annually complete a minimum of twelve (12) hours of Board approved continuing education. All hours can be taken live, live-stream or online. There is no longer a requirement to take any hours in the state. You may only take a maximum of 8 hours in 1 day.
Louisiana: CE Requirements: 15 hours per year to renew your license. This must include at least one hour of Ethics and two hours of Risk Management. Louisiana does not allow live-stream nor online CE hours.
Maine: Each chiropractic doctor shall complete forty eight (48) units of continuing education, a minimum of thirty six (36) units in Category 1 and up to twelve (12) units in Category 2. Live-stream and online are considered Category 2 hours.
Maryland: 33 CE hours. Accepts all hours live-stream, online or live
Massachusetts: Each registered chiropractor shall complete at least 12 hours of approved continuing education during each one-year registration period. All hours may be taken online, live-stream or live, in-person
Michigan: The 30 hours of continuing education required under R 338.12037 shall comply with all of the following: (a) No more than 12 credit hours of continuing education shall be earned during 1 24-hour period. (b) Credit for a continuing education program or activity that is identical to or substantially identical to a program or activity for which the licensee has already earned credit during the license cycle shall not be granted. (c) Pursuant to section 16431(2) of the code, MCL 333.16431(2), at least 1 hour of continuing education shall be in the area of pain and symptom management. Continuing education in pain and symptom management may include, but is not limited to, courses in: chiropractic manipulative treatment, manual therapies, therapeutic exercises for pain management; behavior management; psychology of pain; pharmacology; behavior modification; stress management; clinical applications; and drug interventions as they relate to the practice of chiropractic. (d) At least 1 hour of continuing education shall be in the area of sexual boundaries. (e) At least 1 hour of continuing education shall be in the area of ethics. (f) At least 2 hours of continuing education shall be in the area of physical measure and shall be completed by attending a live, in-person program. Page 9 Courtesy of Michigan Administrative Rules (g) At least 2 hours of continuing education shall be in the area of performing and ordering tests and shall be completed by attending a live, in-person program. (h) At least 15 hours of continuing education shall be completed by attending a live, in-person program.
Minnesota: During the year doctors of chiropractic must complete a total of 20 hours. Some of these hours must be in specific categories as follows: 3 hours must be in X-ray or advanced imaging related subjects (technical, diagnostic, and/or safety); 1 hour in professional boundaries (preventing boundary crossing and preserving the doctor/patient relationship); Note: while boundary crossing behavior is an ethical violation, not all ethical violations are boundary crossing. Only CE covering boundary crossing behavior is approved for professional boundaries CE. Non-boundary-related Ethics programs will count as Regular CE. 2 hours in acupuncture/meridian therapy related subjects (if registered to perform acupuncture services) 6 additional hours in animal chiropractic related subjects (if registered to perform animal chiropractic services). Accepts all hours live-stream, online or live
Mississippi: Mississippi is NOT accepting online or live-stream CE hours. Doctor: 12 hours, with 3 of these 12 in risk management annually; CA: 6 hours annually; RT: 12 hours biennially; Claims Reviewer: 10 hours annually
Montana: 12 hours of approved continuing education is required each year. 4 hours of additional CE in ethics and boundaries every four years starting in 2017. Impairment evaluators must obtain an additional 4 hours of impairment evaluation specific continuing education every 4 years starting in 2015 with a random audit in 2019. Accepts all hours live-stream, online or live
Nebraska: 36 hours of acceptable continuing education hours during the preceding 24-month period. A maximum of 6 hours of credit may be obtained by independent study each 24 month renewal period. The activity must relate directly to the practice of chiropractic and must include: (A) At least 4 hours related to technical skills in one or a combination of the following categories: (i) Continuing education designed to enhance the practitioner’s technical and clinical skill related to x-ray physics, quality control, x-ray production, and interpretation of diagnostic imaging; or (ii) Continuing education designed to enhance the practitioner’s skill in utilizing chiropractic adjustive technique; and (B) At least 4 hours related to practice issues in one or a combination of the following categories: (i) Continuing education pertaining to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), infectious diseases and related conditions as they relate to chiropractic; (ii) Continuing education designed to enhance the practitioner’s awareness of gender sensitivity and sexual harassment issues, commonly referred to as boundary training; (iii) Continuing education related to the chiropractic scope of practice in the State of Nebraska, which must include adopted practice guidelines and practice law specific to Nebraska only; (iv) Continuing education designed to enhance the practitioner’s skill related to ordering laboratory tests and interpreting information from laboratory tests; (v) Continuing education designed to enhance the practitioner’s skill in performing physical, neurological, and orthopedic examination procedures as they relate to chiropractic practice; (vi) Continuing education related to prevention of fraud, system set-ups, coding, quality control, and standards of practice; (vii) Continuing education pertaining to the provision of rehabilitative care as it relates to chiropractic practice; (viii) Continuing education related to practice ethics as recognized by state or national associations; and (ix) Continuing education related to the use of unlicensed personnel.
Continuing education hours obtained through independent study cannot be used to fulfill the mandatory hours for technical skills or for practice issues required in 006.(A) and 006.(B). A maximum of 6 hours of credit may be obtained by independent study each 24 month renewal period.
New Hampshire: 20 hours of continuing education biennially. The hours of electronic participation shall constitute no more than 25 percent of the total hours of required continuing education
New Jersey: A licensee applying for biennial license renewal shall have completed, during the preceding biennial period, 30 continuing educational credits in order to qualify for the renewal of his or her license. A minimum of two credits shall be completed in the study of State laws and rules governing chiropractic professional ethics or recordkeeping and documentation as it pertains to the practice of chiropractic in this State, and a minimum of two credits shall be completed in nutrition education. Up to 12 vhours may be taken online. Live-Stream counts as live, in-person hours.
New York: 36 contact hours of continuing education in each three-year registration period. 24 hours must be formal courses. A formal course is a course in which a student must have the opportunity for immediate interaction with an instructor, e.g. a seminar, workshop, lecture, etc. No more than 12 hours may be in online courses. Live-Stream is considered formal, in-person hours.
North Carolina: Licensed DC’s in North Carolina are required to complete 18 hours, of approved Continuing Education each calendar year to keep their license active and in good standing. DC’s can meet this requirement with (18) hours of classroom study, (which may be redefined by the board to include both regular classroom learning as well as live-online study where the student has the ability to interact with the instructor), or you can substitute as follows: Minimum of 10 hour of classroom study PLUS A maximum of (8) hours of recorded online study. All hours may be live-stream or live, in-person. 8 hour max for online seminar hours.
Ohio: CE requirement for chiropractic license renewal: 34 Chiropractic hours + 2 Board mandated topic hours = 36 Total CE hours; CE requirement for chiropractors who also possess an acupuncture certificate: 22 Chiropractic hours + 12 Acupuncture hours + 2 Board mandated topic hours = 36 Total CE hours. All hours may be live, live-stream or online.
Oregon: 20 hours required including: Cultural Competency – 2 hours; Suicide Intervention Training – 1 hour; General Continuing Education – 17 hours. Accepts all hours live, live-stream or online.
Pennsylvania: Completion of 24 hours of board-approved continuing education is required for renewal. A licensee must also have professional liability insurance in the minimum amount of $100,000 per occurrence and $300,000 per annual aggregate. All 24 hours may be done live, live-stream or online.
Rhode Island: Completion of at least 60 continuing education hours. No less than 50 of these hours shall be in clinically related courses. All hours may be live-stream or live, in-person. Up to 30 may be taken online (non-interactive with instructor)
South Carolina: The requirement for continuing education remains in place regarding online and seat-time hours. Currently, of the 36 required hours, 18 hours can be obtained online with a minimum of 18 hours required to be obtained in a face-to-face setting. Of the 36 hours, 2 hours must be a review of SC Rules and Regulations and 2 hours must be in a risk management topic.
South Dakota: 40 hours in a 2 year period ending on December 31st of each odd year. Board Requires Sexual Boundaries Training and certification in CPR. Accepts all hours live-stream, online or live, in-person
Tennessee: The Board requires chiropractic physicians to complete twenty-fours (24) hours annually, and if the licensee practices acupuncture, six (6) of these twenty-four (24) hours must pertain to acupuncture practice. Chiropractic x-ray operators and therapy assistants must complete six (6) hours annually. A maximum of 6 hours is allowed online. ATTENTION: As a reminder, the Board of Chiropractic Examiners has amended its rules to have licensees submit proof of compliance with continuing education requirements to the Board's administrative office on an annual basis no later than January 15th each year for the preceding calendar year.
Texas: You need 32 Board approved C.E. hours (16 each year) to renew your D.C. license. All hours may be live-stream or live, in-person. A max of 10 hours may be taken as an online seminar (pre-recorded)
Vermont: 24 hours of continuing education. Accepting all hours live-stream, online or live, in-person
Virginia: 60 hours of continuing learning activities within the two years immediately preceding renewal as follows: 1. A minimum of 30 of the 60 hours shall be in Type 1 activities or courses offered by an accredited sponsor or organization sanctioned by the profession. a. Type 1 hours in chiropractic shall be clinical hours 2. No more than 30 of the 60 hours may be Type 2 activities or courses. We accept all online hours. All PACE approved courses (which Fetterman Events has) are approved for Category 1 in Virginia - Fetterman Events Live-Stream and Online courses are PACE approved
Washington: “The Chiropractic Quality Assurance Commission (CQAC) recognizes the Provider Approved Continuing Education (PACE) program in the effort to maintain high standards of continuing education (CE). In the event of a CE audit of a licensed chiropractor, the CQAC will accept documentation, transcripts, and/or reports from PACE on their behalf.” Chiropractors must complete 25 hours of continuing education per year. Chiropractic x-ray technicians must complete six hours of continuing education per year.
Washington Chiropractors are allowed a maximum of 12 hours online or live-stream.
West Virginia: Continuing Education: 18 Total Hours (minimally) - 12 Hours must be obtained in person - 6 Hours may be obtained online or in-person. Live-stream is considered online hours.
Wisconsin: 40 CE hours per renewal. If you have a nutrition certification, you must have at least 4 of the 40 hours in Nutrition. Up to 8 hours of live-stream are allowed. Online seminars do not fulfill the requirement for the 8 hours of live-stream.
Wyoming: A minimum of eight (8) CE shall be earned at in-person conferences or hands-on training. A maximum of four (4) CE may be earned online.