CE Hours:
CE hours are figured on an hourly basis. In order to receive a full hour, you must log into the class within 1/2 hour of the hour you wish to include and log out within 1/2 hour of the time you’d like to end.
For example:
Logging in:
If you log in at 8:31 am or later you would not get the 8am - 9am credit.
If you log in at 8:30 am or earlier, you would get the full hour of 8am - 9am.
Logging out:
If you log out at 11:29 am or earlier, you would not get the 11am - 12pm hour credit.
If you log out at 11:30 am or later, you would get the 11am - 12pm hour credit.

How can I take seminars for free?
See our Doctor Program details here.

What if I missed the deadline to renew my membership in the Doctor Program?
You can re-enroll in the Doctor Program at any time. Your membership will be 2 years from the date you enroll.
Go here to re-enroll

I registered for a seminar, but didn’t get a confirmation. How can I know that I my registration went through?
When you register, you will be taken to a confirmation webpage to confirm your registration. If you did not see this:
Doctor Program members can login and check under their name to see their Current Seminars Registered For.
If you are not a Doctor Program member, you can email or call us and we can check into it for you.
The Monday before a seminar you’ve registered for, you will receive the final email confirmation. This email contains all details, location, times, notes, materials for the seminar.

How and When will I receive documentation of taking a seminar?
For live or live-stream seminars: We email these attendance letters to you the week following the seminar.
For online seminars: We email attendance letters to you within 48 business hours of you submitting your evaluation/exam from the seminar

What if I didn’t receive my documentation of attendance?
Please email or call us. This is usually a result of us having a different email (i.e., work email, old email). We can immediately get the letter to you.
If you are a Doctor Program member, you can log into the member’s area, locate your name, and you will see your attendance letter attached. You can print it off at any time.

Do I report my CE hours to my board, or do you?
Some states require us to report your hours, some do not. We report to any board that requires us to. This includes: CE Broker (FL, NC, SC and TN), Mississippi Board, and PACE. For the boards that do not require us to, you must follow their rules for license renewal. This means in most states you renew your license and attest to taking the hours and only have to provide documentation if audited. Other states you must submit the CE attendance letter we provide you after the seminar.

What if I have misplaced my documentation of attendance that you sent me?
We can provide a copy to you. We must keep a copy for at least 4 years and will have this available any time.
If you are a Doctor Program member, you can log into the member’s area, locate your name, and you will see your attendance letter attached. You can print it off at any time.
If you are not a member of the Doctor Program, just email or call us and we can get it to you.

How do I change my address or email address or license number?
Members of the Doctor Program can update their information in their account by logging in and changing this information directly. If you are not a member of the Doctor Program, you can call or email our office and we can update your information in our system

What if I don’t know my license number?
Most state board’s have this information available on their website. If we need your license number and do not have it, we can look it up when providing your attendance documentation.

What is location of the seminar I registered for?
The location should be listed on the website for that seminar. If it is not, first make sure that it is a live seminar. If it is and there is no location listed, please email or call us. You will also be given this information in the final email confirmation for a seminar that is sent the Monday prior to that seminar.

What if I need to cancel my registration?
You can email or call us to cancel your registration.
If you cancel more than a week away from the date of the seminar, all registration fees will be refunded.
If you cancel within a week of a seminar taking place, there are no refunds of fees - but you can use your payment towards a different seminar if you wish.
For Doctor Program members, there is no charge to cancel your registration.

What if I have an emergency and can’t make it to a seminar I registered for?
You can email or call us to let us know. The registration fee cannot be refunded, but we can use the payment you made for this seminar and apply it to a different seminar for you.

What if I paid for a seminar, but now want to join the Doctor Program - can that money be applied to the enrollment fee?
If the seminar has not taken place yet, we can upgrade you to the Doctor Program for the balance of the enrollment fee. Just email or call us and we will take care of you.
Once the seminar begins, the full enrollment fee must be paid to get into the Program and you can then start taking free seminars after the seminar you are attending.

Can I enroll in the Doctor Program anytime, or do I have to wait until December?
Enrollment into the Doctor Program is now open at all times. You can see more details or enroll here. Once you enroll, you are able to take as many seminars as you wish for 2 years at no cost. (this does not include Diplomate or Certification programs)

For any questions not answered here, please email us at: