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What Can You Expect after you register for a live-stream seminar?

CE Hours:
CE hours are figured on an hourly basis. In order to receive a full hour, you must log into the class within 1/2 hour of the hour you wish to include and log out within 1/2 hour of the time you’d like to end.
For example:
Logging in:
If you log in at 8:31 am or later you would not get the 8am - 9am credit.
If you log in at 8:30 am or earlier, you would get the full hour of 8am - 9am.
Logging out:
If you log out at 11:29 am or earlier, you would not get the 11am - 12pm hour credit.
If you log out at 11:30 am or later, you would get the 11am - 12pm hour credit.

The Monday before the seminar, you will receive an email with all details, a link to notes, times, and a link to the Zoom classroom. This email will give you a special Zoom registration link. This is needed to get you documented in the zoom system for the class. You will be able to click this Zoom registration link immediately, or wait until the morning of the seminar. If you click the link to register immediately, Zoom will email you the link you need to use to get into the class on seminar day. If you wait until the morning of a seminar to register in Zoom, the seminar will open up immediately after you register.

REQUIREMENTS for the class:

YOU MUST HAVE A WEBCAM AND HAVE IT ON AT ALL TIMES DURING THE SEMINAR - This is a rule with many state boards in order to be compliant with taking a class live-stream. If you do not have one, you can find one between $10-20 at many stores. LogiTech is a brand that we have used many times and found it easy to set up and use.

Live-Stream seminars are available using laptop computers or desktop computers only. Iphones and Ipads do not fulfill the requirements needed to comply with state board rules.

1. If you are required to have anything with you as you attend the seminar online, you will be told in the confirmation email sent the Monday prior to the seminar. Usually you do not need to have anything with you, but for some seminars, we ask you to bring a portable table or scissors (for the taping seminars) if possible. If you do not have one, that is ok - you can still participate and get your CE hours.

2. We suggest you have a pen and paper to take notes on. All notes are currently available online (the link is provided in the Monday email mentioned above).

3. You need a desktop or laptop computer, with internet capabilities, speakers and webcam to attend a live-stream seminar. (see note above on webcams)

When you log into the Zoom classroom the day of the seminar:
You will be able to get into the Zoom classroom as early as 1/2 hour prior to start time. Once you click the link to get into the classroom, you will see a box with you on your webcam along with your name. You will also see any other attendees and the instructor in a box on your computer screen as well. When you log into the room, you will be muted by the system automatically. You are able to unmute yourself to talk at any time (instructions below).

You are free to do as you wish any time before start time. We suggest grabbing a cup of coffee or water and using the restroom!

Every 2 hours, the instructor will take a 10 minute break. At the beginning of the break, the instructor will post some questions about the previous 2 hours on the computer. You will have to click on the answer you choose, then click submit, for each question. After you submit your answers, you are free to refresh your drink, use the restroom, grab a snack, etc., it’s your breaktime.

At the end of the day, just click the “Leave Meeting” button at the bottom right of your computer screen. Zoom has logged your exact time in the meeting and your answers to the questions.

If you do not want to attend all of the hours of the seminar, you do not have to. Just click “Leave Meeting” at any time. You will receive however many hours you were actually in the meeting. Zoom documents your logged in time whether it’s 1 hour or all hours.

Technical Difficulties
If you have internet or electrical issues that disrupt your attendance, just let us know as soon as possible by emailing us and giving your name and the title of the seminar you were attending when you had these issues. Zoom will have documented the time you were logged in, and it also lets us know if you experienced any technical or electrical outages or issues. It also tells us if you just left the room on your own preference. You will get the number of hours you were logged in.

If we have technical or electrical outages: we will email you to let you know what’s happening. This is rare, and usually only happens when there are strong storms in the area of the instructor. In most cases, the instructor goes to his office/home or to a local hotel to reconnect. You will be disconnected if this happens, so check your email for any word from us on what is happening.

Schedule for the day:

Class will begin at the scheduled start time
Breaks are every 2 hours for 10 minutes
Lunch break is 1:00 - 1:30pm for seminars 8 hours or longer.

Getting your CE hours:
The week following the seminar, we will email your attendance letter to you. After you receive it, we report it to your state board, PACE, CE Brokers if necessary. Some states do not require us to report to them, only to you. We keep records of your attendance for at least 4 years - so if you ever lose this documentation, contact us and we can get a copy to you.

If you have any questions, please email us at