Over the last decade there has been a remarkable increase in the number of scientific conferences and societies that focus almost exclusively on tumor metabolism and growth factors associated with metabolic signaling. Of particular relevance is the intersection of metabolism with epigenetic control and metabolic reprogramming of aberrant signaling pathways that promote the Warburg effect. This renewed interest in the cause and consequences of the Warburg effect has invigorated cancer research and promises to redirect our efforts down a path that will translate into more effective cancer treatment and prevention strategies.
Maybe we are losing the war against cancer because scientists are chasing a flawed scientific paradigm, and cancer is not a disease of damaged DNA but rather one of defective metabolism.
In this seminar, we will be looking at research regarding traditional somatic mutation as well as biochemical/metabolic pathways and therapy.
Important Warning and Disclaimer:
This seminar does not seek to give medical advice. This seminar reflects the instructor’s experiences and research seeking to stimulate conversation about cancer treatment.
Richard Carter, D.C. and Fetterman Events are not liable for any personal injury or damage that may arise through improper application and a failure of the individual to seek correct medical advice with any of the material presented. Richard Carter, D.C. is a chiropractor licensed in the state of Ohio not a medical doctor, not an oncologist. What may work for one person may not work for another person. The effective treatment of one type of cancer may not work against another type of cancer.
Only your own doctor and you can decide if the information presented could be of benefit for you. Use of any treatment should be approached with informed consent and responsibility and with the full knowledge and approval of a medical practitioner. The information in this presentation has been researched by Richard Carter and carefully checked to the best of his knowledge and belief. The information contained herein is in no way intended to substitute the advice and assistance provided by an oncologist or other medical professional.
12 CE hours