This sale has ended. You can still enroll in the Doctor Program and get free CE seminars for two years - just click the link below.
Benefits of Being A Member:
2 Year* Enrollment Benefit Period which includes:
Unlimited Free Live CE Seminars
Unlimited Free Live-Stream CE Seminars
Unlimited Free Online CE Seminars
Ability to Print your documentation of attendance at any time you desire
Notification a month prior to your license renewal of how many hours you have accumulated and whether you are lacking any hours.
*Benefit period begins the date you enroll and ends 2 years from that date.
*Any seminar costs already paid for 2024 seminars coming up cannot be refunded with this offer.
When you're enrolled in the program, you can take as many of our CE seminars as you wish for free during your membership period. This includes- live, live-stream and online . You can also attend only as many hours of a seminar as you want during the benefit period - All hours, or just a couple at a time - it's your choice!
*Each seminar has a late registration fee added the Monday prior to a seminar. This includes Doctor Program Members. As long as you register prior to the Monday before a seminar you’d like to take, there is no charge. There is no cancellation fee either, so if you register for a seminar that you are considering ahead of the late registration time period, you are not penalized if you decide to cancel.
Members are able to log into their information on our website and print off documentation of attendance at any time. We email attendance letters after seminars, but if you lose it, or just can’t find it…you are able to get it on your own at any time.
The month prior to your license renewal date, we will notify you via email with the total number of hours you have obtained with us, including any special hours required by your state and if you are lacking any.
NO SEMINARS CANCELLED*! Once you register for a seminar, you can count on it taking place...even if you're the only one attending! *In the case of a medical emergency, Act of God, or death of instructor, we will reschedule or provide an alternate option for doctors registered.
Over 6,700 Chiropractors across the United States have joined our Doctor Program since we first offered it in 2009. This program enables you to attend our CE seminars at no cost...FREE...for 2 years.*
All regular CE seminars are included, and verification of attendance with your CE hours is provided the week following the seminar.
Once enrolled you can take as many CE seminars as you want throughout your Benefit Period, and they won't cost anything to attend.
If you do not enroll in the program, you can still take our seminars, but you will have to pay the price of each individual seminar.
All regular CE seminars are included. The only seminars which are not included in this program are Diplomate or Certification programs.
More in 2025:
More speakers and topics!
More live-stream seminars, as well as new and more live and online too!
Apprenticeship Program for our members
Involvement with a Research Institute
Our members have helped us grow and enabled us to add more speakers, more topics, more locations, and start getting some special programs ready for students and doctors.
You can find seminars with these buttons at the top of the page:
By Location - Find seminars located in a specific state
By Hours - Find seminars that are good for a specific state
Within these two categories, you'll be able to easily find CE seminars for:
DCs or CAs
Category 1 or Category 2 hours
Nutrition Hours
Risk Management hours
X-ray hours
Other special hours
(Michigan special hours being updated this weekend)
2025 Speakers:
Dr. Richard Carter Dr. Brad Hayes Dr. Van Merkle
Dr. James Darrach Dr. James Henry Dr. Dale Morgan
Dr. Etienne DuBarry Dr. Luke Henry Dr. Steve Silverman
Dr. Robert Fenell Dr. Stuart Humberg Dr. William Thompson
Dr. Steve Gould Dr. Rob Jackson Dr. Alicia Yochum
Dr. John Hart Dr. James Kendel Dr. Terry Yochum
(more may be added soon)
2025 Seminar topics - (The titles of the new seminars may change from what is stated below)
A Functional Medicine Approach to Chiropractic Treatment
A New Approach to Bone Disease with State of the Art Imaging
Acupuncture & Chiropractic
Acupuncture Systems & Techniques with Dr. Paul Jaskoviak
Analysis of the Stress Response Effect
Assessment of Neurological Disturbance Using Heart Rate & Skin Temperature
Autoimmune and Immune Systems & Issues
Avoiding Malpractice - The Prevention of Medical Errors & Risk Management (PI Cases & Court Training)
CA Training Programs
Chiropractic Brilliance: The Triune & Science
Chiropractic Guide to Dementia
Chiropractic Treatments for Arthritis & IBS
Clinical Applications & Protocols for CAs
Common Issues Seen in Imaging - Dr. Alicia Yochum
Concussion Protocols
Conducting Research in the Chiropractic Office & Getting Published
CranioSacral Therapy for the Modern Office
Documentation, Insurance & Coding
Dry Needling Applications & Techniques - 12, 25 & 48 hour courses
Evaluation & Treatment for Migraines Using Functional Chiropractic Approach
Extremity Adjusting Workshop
Front office Training for the CA (for CAs)
Foundations of Functional Chiropractic Medicine with Thyroid Focus
Foundations of Functional Chiropractic Medicine with Inflammation & Cardio Focus
Functional Movement & Rehab Strategies
Geriatric Concerns
Imaging Calcifications: Here, There, Everywhere & Understanding Ultrasounds & Extremity MRIs
Imaging programs - variety of new programs coming!
Inflammation & Food Sensitivities
Lower Extremity Taping Techniques
Lumbar Treatments for Difficult Cases
Migraines: Neurology & Treatments
Motor Control & Injury
Myofascial Disruption Technique
Nerve Entrapments & How to Treat them Successfully
Neurology programs - variety coming up
Neurological Tests for Chiropractic
Neurology & Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Nitric Oxide
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression
Nutrition Certification
Osteoporosis & Chiropractic Care
Outcomes Assessments: Acute vs. Chronic vs. wellness
Pain Management & Mobility
Personal Injury
Practical Methods and Analysis of the Vertebral Subluxation
Promote Longevity and Delay the Effects Of Aging and Mental Decline with Lab Testing and Nutrition
Rehabilitation Exercises & Modalities
Revelations in Cancer & Chiropractic Treatment
Risk Management
Science Based Nutrition - Foundational Laboratory Analysis
Science of Whiplash and Other Personal Injuries
Sports Chiropractic: Treating the Athletic Patient On and Off the Field
State of the Art Imaging
Taping Techniques & Sports Medicine
Taping of the (several short 2-4 hour courses on different areas of the body)
The Impact of ACE's on Health Outcomes and Cervical Radiculopathy Treatments: Trauma Informed Care in Chiropractic
The Ins & Outs of Laser Therapy
The Role of Chiropractic Care in Managing Dementia
The Stress Response
Thompson Technique
Treating Cervical Radiculopathy
Treating & Managing Lumbar Radiculopathies
Treating Mechanically Larger Patients Using the Arc of Tension Model
Treating the Athletic Patient On and Off the Field
Understanding Ultrasounds & Extremity MRIs
Upper Extremity Adjusting Workshop
Upper Extremity Taping Techniques
What adjustment should you use and why
And more being confirmed!
We will be adding many more 2, 4, 6 and 8 hour courses that will be provided as live-stream and online seminars too!