Doctor Testimonials

Kris, Jxxx Mxxxxx here in Wausau, WI. Just did a 4 hour Livestream for my last license renewal. I told you I was quitting 2 yrs. ago, but renewed one more time even though I retired from active practice 1 1/2 yrs ago. I missed the Fall Expo seminar because I was kayaking in Mexico. Just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed your seminars and how much you've done for our great profession. Keeping the hours reasonably priced, and working through the Wisconsin bullxxxx (probably thanks to Xxxx Xxxxxxx) at the beginning are things I've told many people about. I've always admired people who aren't afraid to go against the current for the sake of others. Maybe next WI Fall Expo in the Wausau, WI area I"ll drop by and say Hi.(but not attend). Have a good Holiday Season and thanks for all you've done! It truly has been appreciated.
-Jay M., Wausau, WI, December 2024

Kris and her team offer the best value and quality in continuing education. I strongly recommend their ‘Doctors Program’. They even upload your hours into CE Broker.
- C. Wills, South Carolina, 2024

Just wanted to say thank you for that seminar that I just watched on kinesiology taping.  I needed CCSP cont education credits and took your course and am so happy that I did.  That was by far the best seminar on taping I have ever taken.  I am sure it would have been even better in person.  You should write a book with all of these techniques and your clinical pearls.  Anyway, can’t wait to get to the office tomorrow and try some of these out. Thanks again!!  This seminar will make me a better doc. 
-L Zohn, Massachusetts, December 2023

-Dr. M. Luckie, Charleston, SC, August 2023

Just want to say you all are really awesome and there isn’t a better place to get ce’s in chiropractic 
-Dr. J Parrish, Knoxville, TN, August 2023

Just came back from Dr. Fenell's extremity seminar....EXCELLENT! Dr. Fenell was so thorough, so detailed; he gave clinical pearls through experience that will make his students better doctors. On top of all that, he is an excellent teacher....he had our attention the whole time because he's so good at instruction, giving us tools and examples that helped solidify the concepts he gave. Thanks for bringing Dr. Fenell on board.
-Dr. M. Meadowcroft, Holland, MI, June 2023

I’ve been grateful for Fetterman from the moment I discovered your seminars, but never more than now. The online offerings have been a godsend with the uncertainty of pandemic. I managed to get in twenty-four hours of live seminars over the last two years and having the flexibility to complete educational requirements online was a lifesaver. Many thanks! Keep up the good work!
- Dr. S Pitts, Selmer, TN, December 2021

Seminar was beyond excellent in Mobile Alabama, I wish the whole state could attend the Fetterman Event seminars. They are excellent and great data and presentation by Dr. Brad Hayes is alway excellent #10.
- Dr. M. Davis, Harlingen, TX, June 2021

Kris and her team offer you the best value and quality in continuing education. I strongly recommend their “Doctors Program”. They even upload your hours into CE Broker.
- Dr. C. Wills, Charleston, SC, December 2020

Thank you! I really appreciate the way you do everything possible to elevate this profession and provide us with quality continuing education hours. The membership cost is a great value for the money, and I have recommended you to several colleagues. I know I get my money's worth even if I only attend one or two seminars. I love that you have such a great variety of topics and speakers as well. I never feel like I'm settling just to get my required hours. Although I live near Indianapolis, I appreciate that you offer seminars throughout the state. Many speakers will only travel to the big cities and that can be a hardship on chiropractors that may have to travel and have additional expenses. Thanks again!
- J. Gibson, Avon, IN, June 2020

Thank you for making these seminars available with the Live credits.  I am LOVING that I can take CEs on topics that aren't usually offered in my area this way.  There are so many courses that I am interested in and this makes it so I don't have to take time off of my job AND have travel/accommodation expenses on top of the loss of income.  I hope you'll be able to make this offering a permanent change.   I know it's been a lot of work to get this set up for us and I, for one, really, really appreciate it.  I have been trying to get all of my friends to join up, especially since you've been gracious enough to keep it open for new docs to join your program!  One of the best decisions I've made was to join up with your program so many years ago.
- Dr. M. Jesse, Smyrna, DE, June 2020

I am pleased to share that this is one of the BEST hands-on seminars I've taken - and I've been taking CEs for over 14 years! Thank you, Kris Fetterman for providing such an opportunity to learn truly valuable skills to your DCs!
- Dr. M. Castaneda, Knoxville, TN, August 2019

Fetterman events are new to me and was just blown away by the amount of pertinent information I learnt just from one seminar last year. I decided to do a whole weekend of events from them this year! The clinical pearls, experiences, stories from chiropractic legends and helpful soft tissue work that get immediate results are phenomenal in patient care. It gets me pumped up about chiropractic and makes me feel grounded and grateful for being in this chiropractic community.
- Dr. S. Samuel, Wisconsin, April 2019

Fetterman Seminars are the absolute best!!!! Kris Fetterman and her speakers and programs are a “gift” to doctors who want excellent speakers and content.
The ability to be a member and attend seminars for one fee over a 2 year period is just wonderful! Thank you Kris!!!
- Dr. M. Bakke, Wisconsin, April 2019

These are by far the best seminars.
- Dr. J. Hall, Wisconsin, April 2019

It was fabulous and the time went by so fast!! The information was very practical which I came to work and put it to use right away on the Monday after the seminar!
- Dr. B. Loofboro, Wisconsin, April 2019

Absolutely wonderful weekend!!! It's a lot of hours in one weekend, but very informative and kept you interested.
- Dr. L. Detert, Wisconsin, April 2019

Best value for your health care credits is with Fetterman
- Dr. T. McRoberts, Wisconsin, April 2019

Kris,  Thank you again for the great seminar. You are doing so much more than you may realize.  Your seminars also build friendships among Chiropractors. I became friends with Jack Dolbin, Elena and Erin and reconnect with my friend Ed Davis and others through your seminars.
- Dr. M. Keresztesy, Illinois, 2018

Thanks for having the vision for what these seminars could be! I have been a member for a few years now and they only get better! I am amazed you can offer Dr. Yochum and Dr. Dolbin at these prices! AND that there are not thousands signed up to attend. What a rockstar combination that is seldom found in CE seminars, even at the TCA.
- Dr. C. Spencer, Tennessee, Dec. 2018

Thank You Chris for always taking care of me  and our profession.  I truly love what you have to offer. :)
- Dr. D. Klucharich, South Carolina, Dec. 2018

Thank you so much! I am truly enjoying your Doctors program! I wish I could take all of the seminars. 
- Dr. Y. Roberson, Tennessee, Nov. 2018

I just wanted to take a moment to THANK YOU for a wonderful seminar today! While my husband, Kevin, and I live in Florida now, we still love traveling back to attend your seminars whenever we can and will continue to do so.  I’ve always loved teaching and am taking a brief hiatus from practicing while teaching Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology, and Biology courses to allied health and biomedical students. I’ve recently spearheaded the formation of a pre-chiropractic club on my campus to encourage students to learn about our great profession.  Every time I come to your seminars, I feel the passion I’ve always had for chiropractic rekindled.  Thank you. Your seminars are top notch and my husband and I appreciate all you do for making them so easily accessible. 
- Dr. M. & K. Sutton, Michigan, Nov. 2018

I after go away from Fetterman Events with a sense of “wow”, because I get more out of them than expected. This was no different and I seriously can’t wait to implement much of what we went over this past weekend.
- Dr. B Killian, Michigan Oct. 2018

Dr. Hayes seminar this past weekend was likely the most applicable presentation I've attended so far. He mentioned the potential addition of a clinical neurology class and a dry needling class next year. You are definitely building the best seminar company on the planet. It is greatly appreciated. I just registered for every online class that you offer and plan to work through them. I would attend each live seminar if timing and distance weren't factors.
- Dr. R. Heschong, Tennessee, Aug. 2018

So glad I found Fetterman Events!  You offer classes I actually want to take!
- Dr. S. Konrad, Pennsylvania, 2018

Had a fantastic time with the material..........I always pick up more information, some subtle, some obvious, that I missed in the previous lectures.........specifically the talus adjustment setup, long axis of the S-I joint, and the muscle energy techniques for the shoulder..........I know I say this every time I see you, but you truly have a wonderful program for all of us out in the field to take advantage of to help our patients...........the sphenoid adjustment, Dr. Jack has taught helped a number of my patients....... but especially was a 13 year old male, had never been to a chiropractor before,(his grandfather has been a patient of mine for over 30 years).......he had been having migraine headaches for some time........did the medical route......came to me.......I did my exam, adjusted him, and on his follow up (which is when I was going just once per month to my Ohio office) he had gone from 15-20 migraines per month to just 3.........his mother was so pleased....his  told me on his follow up visit, his teacher could see an almost immediate change in his behavior and daily activities at school, following his treatment with me.   Another patient, a teacher in her late twenties, had been in a car accident 18 months before............came in for care, did the exam, adjusted the sphenoid and spine, she had been experiencing episodes of vertigo, dizziness, headaches........had missed some work because of the last 6 weeks, she has had only ONE episode of vertigo (she was getting 1-2 episodes per week, the symptoms would come on without warning)....was going to P.T. on the advice of her medical doctor.......I advised her stretches to perform, changes in her diet, etc........she herself, discontinued the P.T., has followed my suggestions and is doing great.  Kris, if these two folks are the ONLY ones I've helped with the information obtained through one of your programs and Dr. Dolbin's expertise, I'd be very happy......their quality of life has definitely changed for the better..........but, like I mentioned, other patients of mine have had similar symptom reductions because of the information I was able to learn and techniques I was able to apply to my practice at one of your seminars.  Thank-you so much for all the hard work you do in bringing quality speakers to us doctors,  out here in the field.
- Dr. G. Ng Dung, Illinois/Ohio/Vermont - 2018

Kris, this was my first Fetterman seminar and it was the first time I'd ever heard of Fred.  It was wonderful!  I really enjoyed it.  This won't be my last Fetterman seminar, or my last Fred seminar.  Thanks
- Dr. S. Little, Indiana, 2017

I attended your seminar in Louisville last weekend (02/24- 02/25) and I just wanted to let you know how much that I enjoyed it.  Sadly, I typically attend a late seminar just to get hours (the "words with friends guy" :-)).  My wife is a dietitian and right out of the gate Dr. Dolbin started speaking all of the things that she has taught me over the years.  He captured my attention and that was it.  I was totally engaged.  I enjoyed his presentation style as well as his interjecting stories.  It was a great weekend.  I'm a true believer that if someone does something well that they need to hear about it! Thank you for an informative and applicable weekend and you can guarantee that I'll be back.  As a matter of fact I'm bringing my wife next time and am strongly considering enrolling in the Dr. program that Dr. Dolbin discussed with us.  - Dr. J. Newcom, Kentucky, 2018

Thanks for adding acupuncture. Adds to an already amazing program. Your program helps me save money and spend more time with my young family. AND it is all relevant, current, and useful information. AMAZING.  Generally need 12 hrs ACU so if you could ever add an additional 6 hrs to the acupuncture availability--or at least keep the 6hrs you currently offer annually :) Also really happy you guys keep the boundaries and ethics courses available in IA--really nice. - Dr. J. Sands, Iowa, 2018

Dr. Dolbin just keeps getting better ! I also love the myofascial work that Dr. Hayes teaches. I especially enjoy the friendliness of the fellow doctors at your seminars. It's a very comfortable atmosphere which lends itself to open discussions and to making new friends. I really appreciate what you have done in this state. I look forward to future events with you.
- Dr. Marianne Schweighardt, Wisconsin, 2018

Looking forward to seeing you again.  I get far more out of your seminars than any other I have taken in 35 years experience.  They help my patients the next day.  Thanks a lot.  
- Dr. R. Stenton, Ohio, 2017

I can't say enough positive things about your organization and how evident it is, you are, in seeing us (chiropractors) become better doctors to help our patients, by attending one or your educational events. I truly don't understand the wonderful gift, and I want to stress that, Kris, the gift, you've presented to all of us, through education, and those who don't pursue more of your lectures.
- Dr. Greg Ng Dung, Illinois 2017

I've been taking Fetterman seminars for years and can honestly say that I get great information at every one and always come away feeling like it was worth my time to be there. They have great speakers and topics and the atmosphere is terrific. I won't go anywhere else for seminars.
- Dr. Ken Otto, Wisconsin, 2017

I took a newspaper with me to the seminar thinking I would sit in the back and read. Wow! I never even opened it up! What a terrific program!
- Dr. Matt Spiers, Ohio, 2017

When I first joined the program, I wasn't sure it was for real. But I've been in the program for 5 years now and taking as many seminars as I want. I've never had a problem getting my CE's or finding a seminar close to me.
- Dr. Ned White, Tennessee, 2017

Being in the Doctor Program, I can now take as many seminars as I want and pay nothing. Amazing these guys can do such a great job without robbing me blind! It's about time a company came around that really supports us doctors!
- Dr. Roy Ostenson, Wisconsin

Dr. Hayes' Seminars

I am pleased to share that this is one of the BEST hands-on seminars I've taken - and I've been taking CEs for over 14 years! Thank you, Kris Fetterman for providing such an opportunity to learn truly valuable skills to your DCs!
-Dr. M. Castaneda, Tennessee, August 2019

The instructor showed how to utilize dry needling that I was able to use in my office the following Monday with the same results he demonstrated at the seminar. He taught a new technique of dry needling I was unaware of. The shallow needling is very acceptable to patients in my practice, in my office I practice full body acupuncture in scope it offers me an alternative to patients who are not ready to have the acupuncture ,this technique allows me to gain the patient's confidence so that in follow ups I can offer acupuncture procedures.
-Dr. J. Plotkin, Ohio, Mar. 2019

Dr Hayes gave me a valuable tool. The “hands on” time working with ourselves and others removed my anxiety and fear that i would cause pain and harm to my patients providing I followed his specific guidelines and techniques. This is by far the most useful and applicable seminar I ever took.
-Dr. B. Briggs, Ohio, Mar. 2019

Material that I will use for sure.
- Dr. T. Wood, Ohio, Feb. 2019

Very good and enlightening. Dr Hayes answered all questions and addressed all drs problems and clinical issues very well.
-Dr. S. Stanley, Ohio, Jan. 2019

During the previous 40 years, I have had the privilege to personally study soft tissue techniques with Dr. Raymond Nimmo and Dr. Michael Leahy and David Graston. All have afforded very good clinical results, though all can be time consuming. I recently studied Myofascial Disruption Technique with Dr. Brad Hayes through Fetterman Events and am simply amazed at the results! Not only are the results at least as good, or better, than the other techniques I have studied, it requires a fraction of my time per treatment to complete. I highly recommend this seminar to any Chiropractor who is interested in obtaining great, predictable results treating numerous soft tissue conditions without consuming much time!
- Dr. S. Geders, Indiana, 2018

Dr. Hayes seminar this past weekend was likely the most applicable presentation I've attended so far. He mentioned the potential addition of a clinical neurology class and a dry needling class next year. You are definitely building the best seminar company on the planet. It is greatly appreciated.
I just registered for every online class that you offer and plan to work through them. I would attend each live seminar if timing and distance weren't factors.
- Dr. R. Heschong, Tennessee, Aug. 2018

It was all very informative - very pleased with this class.
- Dr. S. Konrad, Pennsylvania, 2018

Excellent presentation! Very practical, easy to use treatments on patients. Can go to work on Monday and use these forms of treatments immediately.
- Dr. J. Schraub, Georgia, 2017

Dr. Hayes explained soft tissue anatomy in a very pertinent way. Perfectly usable and effective techniques.
- Dr. N. Reinhart, Tennessee, 2016

He covers a lot of great and useful information/techniques
- Dr. L. Powers, Tennessee, 2016

He was able to talk and teach practical techniques which kept my attention the whole time.
- Dr. R. Sadowski, Michigan, 2016

I could spend a 2 day seminar on this great material
- Dr. C. Savereux, France, 2016

Lots of hands on and showing disruptions.
- Dr. S. Golenberg, 2016

Dr. Morgan's Seminars

I have been to a Kinesiotaping seminar before and it was boring. He made it more relevant and engaging. He was good at answering questions. It was nice to be supplied with KT tape as well so I could start using it in my practice the next day.
- Dr. C. Hummel, OH, March 2019

I attended the June 8th seminar on taping with Dr Morgan. The day before the seminar I was unloading a hay wagon and jumped off onto a bale on the ground, it rolled on me and I fell onto my knee and completely down. The next morning I could barely walk. I used a cane to get to the car and struggled to get to the seminar. I sat or stood thru most of the breaks and still was not moving well. I was happy when Dr Morgan got to the knee. I watched intently with hope that maybe it could help me. When I got home I immediately set out to tape my knee. After finishing I took a few careful steps to see if it felt better. I was amazed! I could walk without pain. after a few minor tweaks with the tape it felt great. The next day I was able to finish unloading the hay wagons. Please thank Dr. Morgan for me!
- Dr. Rick Keim, 2017

Dr. Kendel's seminars

The seminar Dr. Kendel put on yesterday regarding the gut brain connection was very well done. Dr. Kendel was well prepared and knowledgeable. I learned a lot and look forward to implementing what he taught into my practice. Excellent job Doc. - Dr. D. Atiyeh, Michigan, 2018

Dr. Demko & Dr. Foreit - Functional Biokinetics Seminar

There was so much information that challenges our customary way of thinking and approaching neuromusculoskeletal conditions. It all makes sense and the demonstrations are very convincing. I only hope to become proficient in applying this knowledge to see patients free from pain and improve function.
- Dr. R. Pettit, Ohio, Jan. 2019

Dr. Hart - Assessment of Nerve Disturbance Seminar

Dr. Jaskoviak - Principles & Applications of Acupuncture 

First time listening to Dr. Jaskoviak and was very impressed. He was extremely knowledgeable and passionate about his subject matter.
-Dr. M. Frain, Ohio, Mar. 2019