Chiropractic Fall Expo
24 CE hours possible for DCs
9.5 CE hours possible for Wisconsin CAs
This weekend is a potpourri of educational opportunities for both the DC and the CA! You may attend as many or as few classes and hours as you wish! Pick and choose what suits you. You will get the number of hours you attend.
Nutrition hours are included on Friday
CA hours are included both Friday and Saturday
See schedule below
Friday, September 30
8:00am - 1:00pm - Pain Management & Mobility
10:00am - 2:00pm - Nutrition with the Role of Nitric Oxide (Includes 4 hours Nutrition)
2:00pm - 9:00pm - BFR with Rehab & Exercise
5:00pm - 9:00pm - Insurance & Coding (CE hours for CAs & DCs)
Saturday, October 1:
8:00am - 9:00pm - Chiropractic Brilliance: The Triune & Science
8:00am - 1:00pm - After Covid: Longterm Effects and Chiropractic Treatment
2:00pm - 8:00pm - CA Program
Class Descriptions:
Pain Management & Mobility - Dr. Brad Hayes
This program will enhance the chiropractors knowledge of his/her role in pain management issues. It will cover major health issues relevant in today’s population including opioid problems and reporting, and give the doctor added education in the treatment of these common problems he/she sees in his office. This program will include information on alternatives to pharmaceutical solutions so that the doctor has the knowledge to better treat his/her patients using a naturopathic process.
Nutrition with the Role of Nitric Oxide - Dr. Nathan Bryan
This program will enhance the doctor’s knowledge of nutrition and nitric oxide. The doctor will learn indepth information and research on nitric oxide and it’s relation to heart health as well as overall health. This class will increase his ability to properly assess and evaluate the patient’s functionality and give him the protocols and treatments to increase function and health in the patient.
BFR with Rehab & Exercise - Dr. Mike DeBord
This course will give the doctor a better understanding of how to implement BFR (Blood Flow Restriction) into their treatment & rehab protocols. The doctor will learn the protocols, effects, research and safety along with how this works in the body and how to properly use this process. It will enable the doctor to implement BFR into their treatment protocols for Better outcomes with rehab and exercise.
Insurance & Coding - Dr. Brad Hayes - 4 CA Hours
This program will educate the doctor on current insurance and coding requirements. He will learn of any updates to regulations and proper coding in order to keep him/her in compliance.
Chiropractic Brilliance: The Triune & Science - Dr. Stuart Humberg
This program will enhance the doctor’s knowledge of the innate intelligence and science as it relates to treating the nervous system. The doctor will know more fully the relationship between the nervous system and various functions throughout the body including: proprioception, reflexes, the aberrant nervous system, the neurological system and mechanisms that work with function in order to better treat his patients.
After COVID: Long Term Effects & How to Treat Them - Dr. James Darrach
This program will enhance the doctor’s knowledge of the research and studies surrounding COVID-19. This includes material on after-effects of contracting COVID and the anatomy and neurological processes affected. The doctor will learn the newest research on the bodies systems and response to the virus and how chiropractic treatment can affect these processes. It will enable the doctor to better assess the patient for the best treatment protocols and educate him on whether treating or referring is recommended
CA Program - Dr. James Darrach - 6 CA Hours
This program will enhance the Chiropractic Assistant's (CA) understanding of managing a chiropractic office. This includes legal requirements & treatments to ensure the safety of the patient. It will enable the CA to better care for and document patients and keep the office running smoothly. The CA will also learn chiropractic terms and common references to better understand chiropractic treatments.
24 CE hours possible for DCs
10 CE hours possible for Wisconsin CAs
CE Hours For:
Sponsored by National University of Health Sciences
Approval Numbers:
WI - Coming!
Illinois - Category 1 Hours
Hawaii - Coming!
PACE Course ID: 91022EX
CE Broker #: 20-927005