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Thyroid Problems & Microbiomes with Chiropractic Solutions

  • LIVE-STREAM Eastern Time (map)

Thyroid Problems & Microbiomes with Chiropractic Solutions

8 CE Hours Available

This class will be a presented as a live-stream seminar using the Zoom platform. To attend as a live-stream, you will connect via the internet at your home or office and see everything as you would in the seminar. The Monday before the seminar, you will receive an email with the instructions and links to log into the program on the seminar date.

Dr. Kendel will being by reviewing the biochemical process behind thyroid issues and how chiropractors can treat these issues with success. He will review the influence of a leaky gut and the gut microbiome and their importance and role they play in the thyroid’s function.

In this portion, you will learn:
1.  Triggers for thyroid malfunction
2.  Hyper- and Hypo- Thyroidism and how we can test for them
3. What Chiropractors can do to best treat patients with these problems
4. How to return to a properly functioning thyroid

He will continue by discussing how to identify the make up of the microbiome and determine it’s health along with how to correct a leaky gut problem and what we as chiropractors can do to treat it.  

In this portion, you will learn:
1.  How diet and lifestyle affect the gut microbiome
2.  What the microbiome is and what it contains
3. What produces leaky gut & how to correct it
4. How to maintain a healthy gut microbiome

8 CE Hours For:

Approval Numbers (not all states assign numbers):
PACE Course ID: 5522THY & 5522MB
CE Broker #: 20-893173
Illinois - Category 2 Hours
Indiana - Max of 8 hours allowed in 1 day

$0 - Doctor Program Members
$249 - Non-Member DCs
$209 - Non-DCs

Click here if you are not a member, but would like to learn how you can take this seminar for free!

*Rates increase $75 the Monday prior to the seminar. This includes Doctor Program members.

Registration Cost:
Name(s) of Attendee
License #