Chiropractic Treatments for Arthritis and IBS
12 CE Hours Available
This class will be a presented as a live-stream seminar using the Zoom platform. To attend as a live-stream, you will connect via the internet at your home or office and see everything as you would in the seminar. The Monday before the seminar, you will receive an email with the instructions and links to log into the program on the seminar date
This classes teaches Differential Diagnosis for Arthritis by simulating the presentation of 12 different forms of arthritis. The provider is specifically taught the 4 major classifications of arthritis during this interaction. This class teaches how to specifically differential diagnose between the various potential diagnoses of arthritis. This clarifies for the chiropractic provider those cases that can be conservatively treated and those cases that need further referral or co-management.
The science behind Arthritis treatment is discussed with outcomes presented and evaluations of numerous approaches to the treatment of arthritis.
The Examination for arthritis is straight forward. Examples of examination of the fingers, the knee, and other areas is specifically discussed. All forms necessary are included.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
This portion of the class explores the tools the chiropractor has to help treat his patients with this common condition as well as other digestive conditions. These are evidenced based treatments for IBS Syndrome and other conditions, that can be utilized by chiropractors. A Look at other digestive disorders and what can be done about them including Functional Dyspepsia, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Leaky Gut, Barret’s Esophagus, fiber, pre biotics and pro biotics, as well as Hiatal Hernia diagnosis and treatment. All have practical applications a chiropractor can use for patients for these common conditions
12 CE hours
CE Hours Approved For:
CO, CT, DE, IA, IL*, IN*, KY, MA, MD, ME, MT, NC, NE*, NJ*, OH, RI, SC*, TN*, VA, VT, WA, WY
* Informal hours for IL
* 4 hours Risk Management for IN
* 8 hours for NE
* 10 hours for NJ
* 3 hours Risk Management for SC
* 6 hours for CTA’s in Tennessee / 12 hours for DCs
PACE Course ID: 5121ART
CE Brokers #: 20-816558
$0 - Doctor Program Members
$269 - Non-Member DCs
$199 - Non DCs
$0 - Chiropractic Students
*Rates increase $75 the Monday prior to the seminar. Doctor Program members included
**Must have at least one doctor registered a week prior to avoid cancellation