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Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy and Newborns through Teens

  • Live-Stream & INDIANAPOLIS, IN Holiday Inn Express, 5855 Rockville rd Indianapolis, IN United States (map)

Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy and Newborns through Teens
8 CE Hours Available for Indiana - 12 CE hours for all others

LIVE-STREAM & LIVE in INDIANAPOLIS, IN. This class will be a presented as a live seminar in Indianapolis, IN, and as a live-stream seminar using the Zoom platform. To attend as a live-stream, you will connect via the internet at your home or office and see everything as you would in the seminar. The Monday before the seminar, you will receive an email with the instructions and links to log into the program on the seminar date.



- Learn how to make the pregnancy and birth experience easier and less traumatic for mom and baby.

- Navigate changes in mom's body throughout pregnancy and apply the appropriate modifications in analysis and adjusting technique necessary to optimally prepare her for labor, delivery, and beyond.

- Includes complementary support information including extremity adjusting, exercise advice, physical supports, nutrition, and how to communicate to health care providers.

- Also, learn in depth information, adverse reactions, and risks of epidurals, inducing birth, and Cesarean sections.

- And, if the baby is in Breech or another atypical position, learn the Webster Breech Turning Technique.


-Newborns: subluxation occurrence and effects at birth, vitals/milestones, primitive reflex indications, common problems to evaluate, breast feeding/early diet recommendations.

-Kids adjusting techniques: Analysis/approaches; where, when, and how to adjust children at each stage of growth utilizing a combination of multiple methods.

- Most common conditions that come in and the vertebral segments to emphasize along with parent education and support information: including earache, asthma, allergy, colic, bed wetting, fever/seizures, ADHD/hyperactivity, strep throat, and more.

-Discussion on Scoliosis Assessment and Treatment

-Care for the Athlete: Care, communication, and challenges.

-Making your office environment kid friendly: space, information access and education, children and family fees.

-Chiropractic first aid for kids: options for over the counter/prescription meds, when to go your medical doctor/ER vs home care. Herbal, homeopathic, and home remedy options.

-Special adjustments: torticollis, sinus sweep, reflux/GERD, asthma/first rib, jaw/tongue tie, ear adjustment, cranial for seizures.

-Numerous case studies and discussion

Up to 12 CE Hours Available

CE Hours Applied For or Approved For:
CO, CT, DE, IA, IL*, IN*, MA, MD, ME, MT, NC, NE*, NJ*, OH, RI, SC*, TN*, VA, VT, WA, WY

* Informal hours for IL
* 8 hours max available for Indiana
* 8 hours for NE
* 10 hours for NJ
* 3 hours Risk Management for SC
*6 hours for CTA’s in Tennessee

PACE Course ID: 42421PED
CE Brokers #:20-760701

$0 - Doctor Program Members
$269 - Non-Member DCs
$199 - Non DCs
$0 - Chiropractic Students

*Rates increase $75 the Monday prior to the seminar. This includes Doctor Program Members
**Must have at least one doctor registered a week prior to avoid cancellation

Registration Cost:
Do you want to attend:
Name(s) of Attendee
License #