CA Office Training
6 Hours
This CA training program is all about front desk procedures.... answering phones, scheduling and rescheduling patients. Confirming insurance. Handling questions and obstacles with patients, and much more.
What your CA will learn:
1. Answering the phone, handling scheduling questions.
2. Most common questions about the doctors office, chiropractic,
3. Most common obstacles to patient scheduling, rescheduling, canceling
4. Talking with other providers, terminology, requesting records
5. Hiring staff to jobs that fit their personality so they can excel.
CE hours for:
MS - CAs
CE Approvals:
$0 - CA Doctor Program Members (The CA is a member)
$199 - Non-Member CAs
*Rates increase $75 the Monday prior to the seminar. This includes Doctor Program members.
**Must have at least 1 person registered a week prior to the seminar to avoid cancellation.
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Click here if you are not a member, but would like to learn how to take this seminar for free!