Lower Extremity Taping with Pelvis & Hip Techniques
12 CE Hours Available
This class will be a presented as a live seminar in Cincinnati, OH, and as a live-stream seminar using the Zoom platform. To attend as a live-stream, you will connect via the internet at your home or office and see everything as you would in the seminar. The Monday before the seminar, you will receive an email with the instructions and links to log into the program on the seminar date.
In this seminar Dr. Morgan will teach:
Athletic and Kinesio taping methods for the lower extremities
Overview of examination and treatment of common injuries
Special technique extras for the Pelvis & Hip
Case Studies in Sports Chiropractic
12 CE hours
CE Hours Approved For:
Kentucky (8 hours maximum - pending approval)
All states that accept PACE courses (click here to see if your board accepts PACE)
PACE Course ID: 32021T
CE Brokers #: 20-773295
$0 - Doctor Program Members
$269 - Non-Member DCs
$199 - Non DCs
$0 - Chiropractic Students
*Rates increase $75 the Monday prior to the seminar. This includes Doctor Program Members