Nerve Entrapments & How to Treat Them Successfully
12 CE Hours Available
This course will focus primarily on functional pathologies and treatment as it relates to nerve entrapment
Peripheral nerve entrapments can occur in multiple locations along the extraspinal extent of the nerve – between the intervertebral foramen and the most distal nerve endings in the extremities. The most frequent symptom of locomotor system adaptation/dysfunction is pain. The structure that most frequently expresses pain is the muscle with its trigger points and painful attachments. Treatment must address the etiology causing the nerve compression.
Dr. Carter will teach what to look for when you take the history and perform the physical exam. He will show you how to correctly identify and treat nerve entrapments successfully. You will learn the compression of different nerve types and symptoms associated with each that you can treat successfully, then move on to how to best treat them and help your patients.
12 CE hours
CE Hours Applied For or Approved For:
Illinois (informal)
Indiana (includes 4 hours Risk Management)
Michigan (pending approval & special hours)
$0 - Doctor Program Members
$269 - Non-Member DCs CE Brokers #: 20-760801
$199 - Non DCs
$0 - Chiropractic Students
*Rates increase $75 the Monday prior to the seminar. This includes Doctor Program members