Neurology & Vagus Nerve Stimulation
12 CE Hours Available
Friday: 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am - 4:00pm (program continues)
Special Fetterman Events rate for overnight room at the Drury Inn.
Click this link to reserve your room (or call hotel)
Please make your reservations by Nov. 14,2022 to receive your group rate.
Refer to Group #: 10039749.
This seminar will enable the practitioner to determine the misalignment associated with specific neurological dysfunctions.
Dr. Humberg will present the analysis portion of this seminar with a very specific and accurate method of locating not only the site of the neurological irritation (compression) but also the misalignment associated with that neurological dysfunction. We will look at muscular and visceral components, diagnosis, signs, symptoms plus you will learn manual and electrical ways of stimulating the vagus nerve.
You’ll learn more about treating such issues as IBS, Colitis, GI issues and more!
12 CE hours for:
Approval Numbers (not all states assign numbers):
PACE Course ID: 122322VN
CE Broker #: 20-903521
Illinois: Category 2 Hours
Kentucky Approval #: KBCE461 (12 hours)
Tennessee: 12 CE hours for DCs / 6 CE hours for CTAs (Saturday)
$0 - Doctor Program Members
$269 - Non-Member DCs - Both Days - 12 CE hours
$199 - Non-Member DCs - Saturday Only - 8 CE hours
Click here if you are not a member, but would like to learn how you can take this seminar for free.
*Rates increase $75 the Monday prior to the seminar. This includes Doctor Program Members
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